Saturday, June 25, 2011

Companion Plants

AsparagusBasil, nasturtium, parsley, tomatogarlic, onion
Bean, BushBeet, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celeriac,celery, chard, corn, cucumber, eggplant, leek, marigold, parsnip, pea, potato, radish, rosemary, strawberry, sunflowerbasil, fennel, kholrabi, onion family
Bean, poleCarrot, cauliflower, chard, corn, cucumber, eggplant, marigold, pea, potato, rosemary, strawberrybasil, beet, cabbage, fennel, kohlrabi,
onion family, radish, sunflower
BeetBush bean, cabbage family, corn, leek,
lettuce, lima bean, onion, radish
Mustard Greens, pole bean
BroccoliBeet, bush bean, carrot, celery, chard
cucumber, dill, kale, lettuce, mint,
nasturtium, onion family, oregano, potato,
 resemary, sage, spinach, tomato
Lima, pole and snap beans, strawberry
Brussels SproutBeet, bush bean, carrot, cucumber,
lettuce, nasturtium, onion family, pea,
potato, radish, spinach, tomato
Knhlrabi, pole bean, strawberry
CarrotBean, brussels sprouts, cabbage, chive,
leaf lettuce, leek, onion, pea, pepper,
red radish, rosemary, sage tomato
Celery, dill, parsnip
CauliflowerBeet, bush bean, carrot, celery, cucumber
dill, kale, lettuce, mint, nasturtium,
onion family, potato, rosemary, sage,
spinach, tomato
Pole bean, strawberry
CeleryBush bean, cabbage family
(especially cauliflower) leek, parsley, pea,
Carrot, parsnip
CornBeet, bush bean, cabbage, cantalope,
cucumber, morning glory, parsley,
pumpkin, squash
CucumberBush bean, cabbage family, corn, dill
eggplant, letttuce, nasturtium, pea,
radish, sunflower, tomato
potato, sage
eggplantBush bean, pea, pepper, potatonone
kaleBeet, bush bean, cabbage, celery,
cucumber, lettuce, nasturtium, onion,
potato, spinach, tomato
kohlrabiBeet, bush bean, celery, cucumber,
lettuce, nasturtium, onion, potato, tomato
Pole bean, strawberry
leekBeet, bush bean, carrot, celeriac, celery,
onion, parsley, tomato
bean, pea
lettuceEspecially good friends are carrot, garlic,
onion family, radish
lima beanBeet, radishnone
Onion FamilyBeet, cabbage family, carrot, kohlrabi,
leek, early lettuce, parsnip, pepper,
spinach, strawberry, tomato, turnip
asparagus, bean, pea, sage
ParsleyAsparagus, corn, tomatonone
ParsnipBush bean, garlic, onion, pea, pepper, potato, radishcaraway, carrot, celery
peaBean, carrot, celery, chicory, corn,
cucumber, eggplant, parsley, radish,
spinach, strawberry, sweet pepper, turnip
Onion family
pepperCarrot, eggplant, onion, parsnip, pea,
fennel, kohlrabi
potatoBush bean, cabbage family, corn,
eggplant as a trap crop, marigold, parsnip, pea
cucumber, pumpkin, raspberry, rutabaga,
squash family, sun-flower, fomaot, turnip
pumpkinCorn, eggplant, nasturtium, radishpotato
radishBean, beet, cabbag e family, carrot,
chervil, corn, cucumber, leaf lettuce,
melon, nasturtium,, parsnip, pea, spinach, squash family, sweet potato, tomato
rutabagaNasturtium, onion family, peapotato
spinachCabbage family, celery, legumes, lettuce, onion, pea, radish, strawberrypotato
squashCeleriac, celery, corn, dill, melon, nasturtium, onion, radishpotato
strawberryBean, borage, lettuce, onion, pea, spinachcabbage family
tomatoAsparagus, basil, bee balm, bush bean,
cabbage family, carrot, celery, chive,
cucumber, garlic, head lettuce, marigold,
mint, nasturtium, onion, parsley, pepper,
pot marigold
dill, fennel, pole bean, potato
turnipOnion family, peapotato
Information from "The Vegetable Grdener's Bible" by Edward C. Smith
Mr. Smith advises you to use this information as a starting point.  Keep track of your own experiences.

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