Saturday, June 18, 2011

Got a Pot or an Acre.... lets see what is going on out in the yard!

Hello, my name is Sharon and I live on the south/west side of Houston Texas.  You may think that I am an expert at gardening... I have a blog about it after all.... but my claim to fame is that after over 25 years of vegetable gardening, I have made almost every mistake in the book and I am still learning. 
Gardening, as it turns out, is a very social endeavor.  Without the sharing of information with other like minded people in your area... you are destined to do as I did and stumble around learning from your own mistakes. 

I started out when my children were young with a huge backyard garden using the existing soil with some compost from a local mushroom factory to help break up the boulder-sized clods and feed the seedlings.  The dirt was so bad that we had to dig little holes in the garden to put in a little potting soil and then plant the seeds.  If we had not done that, the little seeds would have fallen down between the clods of dirt never to sprout and see the light of day.  Even so, the garden was a success.  We had so much squash that even the local food bank was putting a limit on how much we could donate.  The point on the learning curve here was that 25 squash plants will make a little bit more squash than any family of five could ever eat.

Raised beds in my backyard with
a permenant trellis for the climbers.
Over the years I have moved from one large square garden to several small raised gardens, learned what, when and how much to plant to happily feed our family a variety of goodies with some to spare for friends and neighbors.  Feeding the hungry in our county, however altruistic, was an awful lot of work.

I have visited many friend's gardens over the years, heard of their experiences and their trouble shooting trials and tasted their veggies.  Each one of my friends had something that I had never thought of before going on that turns out to be, in my experience, uniquely amazing.

My goal in setting up this Blog is to provide a place for all of you, my friends, to go to learn, share, encourage and be encouraged, gather new ideas and celebrate successes. 

Carrots grown in a raised bed.
 I feel so blessed!  Each morning this spring/summer I first walk out into my backyard with a basket and fill it full of onions, peppers, tomatoes, squash, green beans, egg plants and cucumbers.  Our little gardens produce more than we can eat so I have the pleasure of sharing with friends.  Last season it was lettuce, carrots, collard greens, snow peas, onions, beets and radishes.  The herbs grow like weeds available for any thing I plan to cook in the kitchen. 

This blog is not so much about me and my gardens as it is about you and yours.  I would love any input you may have: comments, stories, pictures.... This is about you and I can't wait to see what you have going on in your backyard!